Saturday 18 April 2015

1 week to go

The big day is almost within touching distance - this time next week i'll be in London in Carb heaven!

This last week the miles dropped from a total of 50 down to 30 and I have been feeling much fresher as a result. My long run today was a steady 10 miles which felt great. The sun was shining and there was a nice breeze (which turned into a strong wind from time to time). The sun being out did mean I was feeling more dehydrated than usual and needing to drink more and often than what I was used too but all good prep for the big day.

I ran today in what I plan to wear on the 26th to make sure everything is comfortable to avoid any nasty surprises on the day!

I will be keeping a close eye on the weather for the 26th to ensure I have the right strategy from the start. Weather can impact everything from outfit to hydration and fueling and so is essential that you prepare accordingly.

The week ahead, miles are really low - I think I will do a a max of 12. I will also be limiting other training to bare minimum to make sure that i'm in the best possible shape on the start line.

I'm planning to go to the exhibition to pick up my number and race kit on Thursday. I'm looking forwards to checking it all out, in particular the new gear! I think i've earned some new kit following all the effort i've put in over the last four months (not for the day itself though of course).

Diet wise I will be on high carbs throughout the week - making the most of them since I will be moving to carb cycling diet post event.

I'm really excited but also nervous and a little anxious mainly about the time i've set myself - I have to keep reminding myself that time isn't everything and to make the most of the experience which could well be once in a lifetime!

The countdown is on!

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